Thursday 11 January 2018

Drug takers ‘are stigmatised by being called addicts’, report warns

When it comes to drug problems, it does not only start and end in the use of drugs itself but the stigma that comes along with it. Perhaps, we are all guilty that when we know someone who used or who is using drugs, we have the concept that the person is a junkie. Without us knowing it, we contribute so much stress to these people, especially to those who are trying to quit. The way how we perceive these people has a great impact in their life. This stigma is causing is so much. Hopefully we can stop doing it and look at them in a more positive light and we should give them a chance to change themselves and their lives for the better. This article talks about the stigma that drug takers are “addicts”. Read on to know more about this. "Drug users should not be called addicts or junkies, a report has warned, amid complaints that people are being stigmatised by insensitive language. The research, drawn up with the support of Sir Nick Clegg, the former Liberal Democrat leader who called for the legalisation of some drugs, also said claiming people who use drugs are lazy or unintelligent should be banned.

It said negative portrayals of drug users in the media and by MPs as "physically inferior or morally flawed" increased stigma and made people less likely to support plans to help. 

The Global Commission on Drug Policy warned there is a drug perception problem which is making it harder to help users who want to stop taking drugs. New laws are often not as good as they could be because politicians base their decisions on "perceptions and passionate beliefs" instead of "factual discussions", the research found. Instead drug policy is more often treated as a "moral debate" and drugs presented as evil, or unnatural, when "in reality, taking substances to alter one’s mind seems to be a universal impulse, seen in almost all cultures around the world and across history", it states. "

The following article Drug takers ‘are stigmatised by being called addicts’, report warns Find more on:


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